Please do not fill out this questionnaire unless you have been asked to do so. Thanks!
E-mail Address:
Street Address:
Home Phone:
Business Phone (optional)
Age: 18-40 40-65 65 or older
Number of other adults in your household:
Number & ages of minor children:
How many hours per day will this dog be left alone? 1-3 3-6 6-8 more than 8
If more than 6 hours, will someone be able to "potty" the puppy at lunch, or will you hire a dog walker? Lunch Potty Dog Walker
Where will the dog be when no one is home - loose or crated, confined to kitchen basement/garage yard?
Where will the dog sleep at night - on the bed loose crated confined to kitchen basement/garage yard?
What would you do with the dog if you suddenly found yourself unable to keep it? (things DO happen)
Do you have any dogs now? Yes No
If yes, please list how many, how old they are, and their breed:
List any other pets you currently own:
What problems (health, training, behavior, etc) have you had with previous dogs? (Be specific!): Have you ever done obedience classes with a dog? Yes No
Are you planning to do obedience classes with this puppy? Yes No
Have you ever owned an English Cocker before? Yes No
If yes, from whom did you purchase him, and how long did you have him?
If not, what are your reasons for choosing one now?
Are you looking for a puppy now, or in the future (Explain)?
What traits are you looking for in a dog?
Do you prefer a male or a female? Male Female No Preference
Would you consider either sex if your preference was not available? Yes No
What is your color preference, if any? Orange Black Solid Red Black & Tan No Preference
Would you consider another color if available? Yes No
Would you consider an older puppy or an adult dog? Yes No Possibly
If yes or possibly, what is the maximum age you would consider? 1-2 Years 2-4 Years 4-6 Years 6-8 Years
Do you rent or own your own residence? Rent Own
Is your yard fenced or do you have a fenced enclosure for the dog?
If not, how do you intend on exercising/controlling your puppy?
How much daily exercise do you plan on giving your dog?
How long do you expect housebreaking to take?
Where will your dog spend most of its time? Inside Outside Both
Primary reason for wanting a puppy: Pet Show Obedience Breeding Other Pet Show Obedience Breeding Other
If other, please explain:
Do you currently have a veterinarian? Yes No
Vets name, address and telephone number:
Please give two references, one professional (ie Vet, trainer, etc) and one other than family who will attest to your ability to take on this responsibility: (List name, address, & phone number).
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To Send in your puppy application, click this Submit button
Thank you for considering Blarney English Cockers. We will be contacting you soon.